Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), MX

Collaborations with Centro de autoaprendizaje de idiomas

My collaborations with UAEH faculty and staff from the Centro de autoaprendizaje de idiomas have led to numerous joint instructional and scholarly ventures. My partnership with UAEH teachers and staff continues to flourish and remains strong today. In 2020, I co-wrote two book chapters on the implementation and practice of online exchanges using qualitative and quantitative action research methods to analyze and interpret findings.

Brinckwirth, A. & Hernández-Alvarado, M. (2021). Enhancing the Telecollaboration Experience: Partnering with  Language Centers Abroad to Cultivate Opportunities for Language Immersion and Practice. In A. Kraemer, & B. Lavolette (Eds.), International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT), Language Center Handbook, 2021 (pp. 267-297). Lulu Press, Inc. [LINK]

Hernández-Alvarado, M. & Brinckwirth, A. (2020). Transcultural Language Learning through a Cinema and Social Justice Teletandem Program. In M. Thomas, & K. Yamazaki (Eds.), Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice (pp. 201-230). Equinox Publishing, United Kingdom. [LINK]

2 site visits (2015, 2017)

- Spanish-English teletandem program
- Teletandem for M4 enrichment block Spanish elective, School of Medicine
- Teletandem for Students Cinema for Spanish Conversation
- Co-wrote 2 book chapters with faculty members from the EFL dept

2018 - 2019
- Spanish-English teletandem program
- Teletandem for M4 enrichment block Spanish elective, School of Medicine (10 students

2017 -2018
- Jointly conducted UAEH-VCU faculty workshops on assessment tools for Teletandem
- UAEH-VCU Spanish-English Teletandem programs continue to grow steadily
- Presented at the 2017 Congreso Internacional Lengua y Cultura
- Co-developed Teletandem for M4 enrichment block elective, VCU School of Medicine

2016 - 2017
- Jointly conducted UAEH-VCU faculty workshops on tandem implementation
- Jointly overhauled Teletandem program; implemented new cooperation workflow
- Presented at the UAEH Expo Internacional 2016 - Lengua y Cultura
- UAEH delegation visits VCU campus, signs an MOU agreement in Global Education Office
- Co-developed Teletandem curriculum for SPAN 307, Cinema for Spanish Conversation 

2015 - 2016
- Expanded on UAEH-VCU Spanish-English teletandem programming
- Presented at the UAEH Expo Internacional 2015 - Lengua y Cultura

2014 - 2015
- Conducted exploratory teletandem with Dirección de Autoaprendizaje de Idiomas (DAI)
- Created teletandem module for healthcare students from UAEH and VCU nursing schools