Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Brinckwirth, A. & Hernández-Alvarado, M. (2021). Enhancing the Telecollaboration Experience: Partnering with Language Centers Abroad to Cultivate Opportunities for Language Immersion and Practice. In A. Kraemer, & B. Lavolette (Eds.), International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT), Language Center Handbook, 2021 (pp. 267-297). Lulu Press, Inc. [LINK]
Hernández-Alvarado, M. & Brinckwirth, A. (2020). Transcultural Language Learning through a Cinema and Social Justice Teletandem Program. In M. Thomas, & K. Yamazaki (Eds.), Project-Based Language Learning and CALL - From Virtual Exchange to Social Justice (pp. 201-230). Equinox Publishing, United Kingdom. [LINK]
Nazarenko, A., Brinckwirth, A., Boykova, N. (2017). Connecting Cultures, Languages, and Students through Teletandem: Building Bridges to Enhance Learning and Understanding. Moscow State University Bulletin. Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. 19(2), 9-18. [LINK] [Link to MSU Press Version]
Brinkwirth, A., Kissling, E.M., Murphy-Judy, K., & Valencia, C. (2007). Technology follows technique: Refocusing the observational lens. In Kassen, M.A., Lavine, R.Z., Murphy-Judy, K., & Peters, M., Preparing and Developing Technology-proficient L2 Teachers (pp. 165-188). CALICO Monograph Series Volume 6. [LINK]
Brinckwirth, A.(2006). Language Learning Centers: Teacher Training is Key to Good Lab Use. International Association for Language Learning Technology Journal (IALLT), 38(1), 64-70. [LINK]